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Where is Reading Pals located?Reading Pals is located in Chico, CA. It is a true (local) community project with many local donors and partnerships. You will find us online and on various elementary school campuses here in Chico.
What is the purpose of Reading Pals?Our mission is to see every elementary school student enter middle school reading on-grade level. Community members are recruited and commit to read with the same 2 students* for at least a semester, preferably 1-year. *Most volunteers attend Reading Pals 1 hour/week, thus reading with two students 30 minutes each, 1-on-1.
How is Reading Pals funded?Reading Pals has diversified support from individuals, local businesses and foundations. Reading Pals is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
How long has Reading Pals been in Chico?Chico has been home to Reading Pals since it's inception in November 2013. We have grown from operating on 4 (carefully selected Title 1) school campuses, to now in 2021, operating a reading program on every Chico Unified elementary school campus (12).
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